How I pick up Golang in just one day.
Writeup for 3 easy crypto challenges of VolgaCTF 2020.
In this post, we give a concise study of several attaks against DSS, including, reused $k$, $k$ generated via LCG, and lattice attack against short $k$.
Reproduction of James Manger’s chosen ciphertext attack on RSAES-OAEP under decryption oracle.
In this post, we give some underlying about two easy factorization methods under some specified circumstances.
Writeup, by X1cT34m, for several problems in 2020 高校战“疫”网络安全分享赛 (2020-03-07 09:00 +48h).
Leaked length information on the nonce $k$ could be exploited to break DSA.
Break a 150-D GGH cryptosystem using Nguyen’s Attack by reducing the problem to a special CVP which is much easier than the general problem.
Brief writeup for all the crypto challenges in hgame 2020.