A gentle introduction to lattice cryptography by solving a 2-D NTRUEncrypt CTF challenge.
"An Introduction to Mathematical Cryptography" 读书笔记 (没写完,有空再更新)
Writeup for several problems in 2019 中国技能大赛——全国网络安全管理职业技能竞赛 初赛+决赛
Writeup for 2019红帽杯 by X1cT34m
Cryptanalysis of Vigenere Cipher: From theory to practice.
Why learn Cryptography, what is Cryptography, and, most importantly, how to learn Cryptography?
Summary of two cases to extract square root modulo primes.
Download all the pictures from imgur
and update the path in Markdown files by Python.
How to setup the environment of CTF crypto problems that run on the server? This post describes two methods: socat & docker