Crypto Research: Solving Subset Sum Problem by Lattice Reduction
Writeup for Crypto Problems in 5spaceCTF 2020
- (easy) rosb: RSA common modulus attack
- (medium) UnSafeAES: AES-GCM nonce reuse && forbidden attack
- (interesting) tinysocks: redirect attack on Shadowsocks stream ciphers.
Some Thoughts About the Past, the Present, and the Future —— 2020.06.07
Upgrade SageMath to Version9 on MacOS
Why Ethereum Has Three Trees
Writeup for De1CTF2020 by X1cT34m
Ethereum Source Code Reading
Writeup for Crypto Problems in HufuCTF 2020
- (easy) GM: recover every bit of RSA message by using legendre symbol
- (medium) mceliece: break a Mceliece cryptosystem with small parameters
- (easy) pell: solve specified pell equations.