在期末考试周的间隙,抽出了一个周末的时候,参加了一下长亭举办的RWCTF,看到了2个非常有趣的题目(Billboard和Personal Proxy),于是把整个周末的时间都搭在了这两题上。
First Blood!
Billboard is a public chain CTF challenge built by using Cosmos SDK and Tendermint .
Note that there hasn’t been any kind of challenges like this before. And this might be a big reason why few people work on this challenge :(
This chapter is intended to provide a brief introduction to the underlying Cosmos SDK for those who are not familiar with it.
Cosmos Blockchain
Loosely speaking, a blockchain is made up of many blocks chained together by some cryptographic methods. Each block contains plenty of transactions. Transactions record the state transition of the whole blockchain world state.
In Cosmos, when a new block is to be linked to the chain, it will experience 4 periods: BeginBlock
, DeliverTx
, EndBlock
and finally Commit
Here, we will only focus on the DeliverTx
Transaction Execution
During DeliverTx
, each transaction will be executed.
A transaction is described by the data structure StdTx
It’s worth noting that a transaction consists of a slice of Msg
. In other words, a transaction can be filled with more than one Msg
, but usually only one.
When the transaction is delivered to execution, all of its msgs
will be extracted (msgs := tx.GetMsgs()
). After that, all the msgs
will be put through the basic validation check (validateBasicTxMsgs(msgs)
). If passed, msgs
will be sent to run (runMsgs(...)
Here’s another important point to note, in case something wrong occurs when handling all the msgs
, a copy of the current state is made by creating a cache named msCache
. And on msCache
is all the access (both reading and writing) to the underlying KVStore database during the handling. If runMsgs
doesn’t return an error, the modification on msCache
will then be written to the current state (msCache.Write()
). Otherwise (any of the msgs
fails), the whole transaction is considered as a failure, and no alteration will be made on the state. That’s to say, Cosmos will revert the state transition when handling a failed msg
, which is pretty reasonable.
Understanding this mechanism of Cosmos’s transaction execution contributes to later exploitation.
Msg Handling
But how is msg
handled? To explore the reason, we need to dive into the runMsgs
Inside runMsgs
, each msg
is iterated over. For each msg
, it is routed to its matched handler according to its type. And the handler will handle the msg
, where the function of the msg
is achieved.
By utilizing Cosmos SDK, developers are free to define any kind of Msg
they like, and as long as they implement the necessary interfaces and a handler, they can make their Msg
do anything they want to do. Furthermore, developers can develop any application they would like on blockchain.
About Cosmos, you can find more on its well-written documentation .
Billboard Game
Back to this challenge, it’s now clear that this challenge is a billboard application based on Cosmos SDK.
You can post your advertisements on the billboard as well as delete them. Meanwhile, you are enabled to deposit some ctc coins into your ad, and the more bucks you drop, the higher your ad will rank. Also, if you want, you can withdraw any money stored inside the ad.
All of these sorts of stuff can be easily achieved by sending the specified type of msg embedded in a transaction towards the blockchain.
For example, to create an advertisement, you should craft a MsgCreateAdvertisement
type msg, fill it into a transaction, sign the transaction and finally broadcast the signed transaction to the blockchain nodes. Sounds burdensome? Don’t worry, all of the tricky work can be handled by simply typing the following command:
You ought to build the cmd tool
and, if any reproduction purpose, start a testnet chain by following the provided instructions .
Note: Each account can only create a single ad, and the ad ID is unique. In case you don’t know what your ad ID is, you can find it out by reading the source code .
And then, you can try your best to get your ad ranked as high as possible. Or …, find some vulnerability and exploit it to capture the flag!
Challenge Analysis
In order to get the flag, we must send a successful transaction containing a CaptureTheFlag
type msg.
But, how can we send such a transaction successfully?
By analyzing the source code , we can find out that we need to possess an ad and EMPTY the balance of the specified module account.
Now, the question is how and when the module account is created.
It turns out that all that happens when we create an ad . At the time when we create an ad, a module account named by the ad ID is also generated, whose balance is initialized to 100ctc.
So, everything is now obvious that the KEY to solve this challenge is to steal the 100ctc out from this module account!
We first look at the Advertisement
data structure. There exists a Deposit
field to show how many coins the creator has dropped into this ad.
Afterward, we can search for any method that can modify the balance of the module account, but only to find 2 ways – either by MsgDeposit
or by MsgWithdraw
is used to deposit several ctc coins into the ad. After layer upon layer check, your deposited coins are transferred to the module account. Meanwhile, the Deposit
field of your ad is increased as well.
For instance, you can deposit 100ctc coins to your ad by typing the following command:
And the entire state transition can be described by the picture below.
We ignore the fee deduction in the picture.
is aimed at withdrawing the Deposit
from the ad. Withdraw
function will first check if the requested amount is greater than Deposit
. If not, it will then transfer the coins from the module account back to your account.
By executing the next command, you can withdraw 50ctc coins.
As we can see in the source code, the check when handling MsgDeposit
and MsgWithdraw
is extremely strict. We cannot deposit or withdraw negative amount of coins, nor withdraw coins more than you deposit.
There is no way that we can make the balance of the module account below 100ctc!
So, how come it possible that we empty the balance?
The cache!
We notice that the billboard application utilizes a memory cache mechanism for its advertisement data.
When reading advertisement data, the cache in memory is always accessed first . As soon as the advertisement data is modified, it will be updated to KVStore as well as the cache .
So, do you have any thought now? What if a tx failed?
It’s known that failed transactions will be reverted by the blockchain system. In this application, it’s the same but the cache DOES NOT rollback. Any modification that happens in cache remains, regardless of success or failed of the tx.
Based on this observation, we can manage to achieve the goal by poisoning the cache.
We can first deposit some coins, say 100ctc, and then cause the entire transaction failed. The deposited money is added in the cache, but the balance won’t change. Through this way, we can have 100ctc increased in the Deposit
field of our ad in cache. What left to us is just withdraw the 100ctc from the module account, thus emptying the balance and achieving the goal!
You may ask how to fail the entire transaction. It’s simple, just fill a transaction with a
type msg followed by a meant-to-fail msg.
Now we have known that the transaction is successful if only all msgs in the transaction is executed successfully, and failed tx will be reverted, but the changes in cache will remain rather than rollback.
So the idea is to poison cache with a failed multi msgs transaction:
- Construct a transaction, which contains 2 msgs. msg1: deposit 100ctc to the ad msg2: a meant-to-fail msg (like deleting a Non-exist advertisement)
- Sign and broadcast the transaction
- Withdraw the initialized 100ctc
Let’s see what’s happening here:
- msg1 updates the KVStore and cache, but due to the failure of msg2 the modification on KVStore is reverted while that on cache reserves.
- Since the cache is read first, withdraw tx will be executed successfully and finally written to the underlying KVStore. Therefore, the 100ctc is transferred from the module account to our account.
- So now module account is empty and we can capture the flag !!!
Personal Proxy
之前有看过彭博挖到的那个Shadowsocks的重定向漏洞 ,也在去年的第五空间CTF上做到过一个与此相关的CTF题目 ,而且我还拿这个做过一次面向于大一学弟学妹们的presentation:
但与第五空间那题不太一样的是,这题用的代理软件是shadowtunnel 。
打开数据包,tcp.flags.ack == 1 && tcp.flags.push == 1
wiki 现学SOCKS5协议的具体操作。
- 客户端会先向服务端发送请求来确认协议版本及认证方式:
- 服务端选择一个认证方式并响应:
- 客户端再发送代理请求,可以在此设置将后续数据转发给哪个ip的哪个端口
- 服务端再响应:
- 客户端后续发送的数据都会被转发到相应的地方。
Stream Cipher
但是由于这一类软件早期使用的是aes-cbc、aes-cfb这种加密模式,缺乏对integrity的check,所以就很不安全,Shadowsocks Redirect Attack就是因为这个原因。
实际上,aes-cbc、aes-cfb模式的加密,都是基于AES算法来产生keystream,然后使用xor的方式对明文进行加密,即stream cipher。
那么怎么整出这个keystream呢?那当然是known-plaintext attack。
- 第一次握手,仿照流量包里的过程,发送0x78 0x05 0xcb 0xa2这4个字节给服务端
- 第二次握手,需要发送明文为0x05 0x01 0x00 0x01 0x?? 0x?? 0x?? 0x?? 0x?? 0x??给服务端(其中前5~8个字节为我们所控制的一台vps的ip,最后2字节为这台vps的某个正在监听的端口。
Downgrade && Side Channel Attack
又由于SOCKS4协议规则里有USERID这样一个可变长的字段,所以我们可以不断地通过这种side channel的方式将后面的keystream计算出来!
最后计算出来keystream的前14字节为:0x7d, 0x07, 0xcb, 0xa3, 0x0c, 0x2a, 0x82, 0xcf, 0x2b, 0x21, 0x19, 0xe5, 0xff, 0x2c